Monday, May 7, 2012

A Holiday on Tuesday, May 1, 2012

In South Africa May 1st is celebrated as a National Holiday, Workers Day. So the Home Affairs Offices were not open. Tim and I took the opportunity to spend a couple of very pleasant hours in a park. Tim had discovered this park on one of his long walks, 25 miles on that occasion.

On last Tuesday we borrowed a car and drove to the park which is nick-named "bunny park". There are hundreds and hundreds of rabbits loose in the park who enjoy being fed carrots by visitors of any age. The park is quite large although probably a neighborhood park. It has a stream running through it which has small foot bridges in many places along the curving paths to cross the stream. And scattered in the park are large enclosures for many types of farm animals and a few other types of non-threatening animals. There were also some rock art structures which the children climb on as well as three circus types of mechanical rides for children and a pony to pull a children's cart.

It was pleasant to see the families enjoying the park on the Holiday. We most enjoyed watching the children interacting with the animals. When we left in the late morning, there were families starting to grill food, which is a very popular family activity here.

Tomorrow is again Tuesday, and we plan to return to the Home Affairs office with our previous documents supplemented with the additional papers we need so that hopefully our applications for Visa renewal will be accepted.


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