Friday, December 16, 2011

A Favorite Song

Today is a holiday, the Day of Reconciliation, which is celebrated every year in South Africa on the 16th of December. So instead of getting ready for work after doing my morning stretches, I went for a walk. First I walked around the Guest  House yards a few times. I saw flowers that I hadn’t noticed before.

Then I walked outside the first gate and around the outside of the House of Mercy. Again there were places that I don’t usually walk when I am just going home. Finally I walked outside of that gate and down the driveway  which is paved with bricks set in circles for the entire length until I got to the street.

I was reminded of how it was when I walked on the Jamestown College campus when the students were away on vacation for the summer. Things were very quiet, but the grounds were obviously tended and cared for. There was a peacefulness in the entire place.

Then when I went for the 10 AM Mass in the St. Francis chapel, I was able to carry a pen and some paper with me. Usually my pockets are too full when I go to work as I carry foot rub lotion, gloves, mask, keys, and other things in my pockets when I am working. So then there is no room for a pen. So today after Mass I was able to copy the words of a song that I have liked. I wanted to share these words with you that are meaningful to me. The song is by Estelle White.

1. Oh, the love of my Lord is the essence
     Of all that I love here on earth.
     All the beauty I see
     He has given to me
     And his giving is gentle as silence.

2. Every day, every hour, every moment
     Have been blessed by the strength of his love
     At the turn of each tide
     He is there at my side
     And his touch is as gentle as silence.

3. There’ve been times when I’ve turned from his presence
     And I’ve walked other paths, other ways
     But I’ve called on his name
     In the dark of my shame
     And his mercy was gently as silence.

I hope that things are going well for you.


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