Thursday, July 29, 2010

Enroute to South Africa!

On July 27, 2010 we began our journey from the U.S. to South Africa. We are excited and happy to be starting our new mission assignment at a Franciscan mission center in Johannesburg.

But now a little background information about us. We both were born, attended schools, and were married while living in Chicago, Illinois. We moved to North Dakota in 1971 and raised our five children there. Tim was ordained a deacon in the Catholic Diocese of Fargo, ND in 1979. We started short-term overseas missions in 2000.

In 2003 we participated in the 12 week Franciscan Mission Service (FMS) training program for overseas missioners. As members of FMS we went to Bolivia, South America on mission for three years from 2004 to 2006.

Since returning from Bolivia we have reconnected with family and friends. Tim has been involved in diaconate activities at the parish level. And we have both done local volunteer work. But we felt called to a second 3 year committment overseas with the Franciscan Mission Service.

We participated in some re-training for mission before and after Tim's prostate cancer surgery. Now that Tim has completed his cancer treatments, we are preparing to leave for mission.

When we are living in South Africa we will keep updates on this blog as we experience our new life in the Franciscan mission. The web page for that mission at which we will be living and working is: